In this article we cover the steps for using the use the Join() aggregate function to concatenate all values based on a specific condition. The function will concatenate values into a single string separated by the specified separator (if you do not specify a separator, the function defaults to a comma).
The Join() function uses the following syntax:
[Collection][Condition].Join(Expression, Separator)
The following expression concatenates "Disposition" field values within a report grouped by the "Client" field into a single string separated by a comma:
[][[Client] == [^.Client]].Join([Disposition], ',')
Results: At the top of the report is a list of all the Dispositions for the Client created using the Aggregate functions
Using Join Aggregates.
1. Open and run your View.
2. Go into the Finished Report Designer.
3. Select the Label you want to have the list summary in. In this example we use the GroupHeader for our summary label.
4. Click the Label Tasks button for the label you selected (located to the right of the label).
5. Then open the Expression Editor.
6. Enter your Join Aggregate function for the desired group level.
Example Used: [][[Client] == [^.Client]].Join([Disposition], ',')
7. Preview your report and see if it gets the desired results. If not, make any needed adjustments to your report.